Could not have habbened to a better group of satanic lizards
Everyone but Trump with their hand over their heart
Always multitasking with the nap time
Generational wicked
Gulf of Ivanka
Tom hanks and Steve Spielberg homes are safe.
That's nice
Did watch it
It's down by his side
The two gentlemen are SS and look like they're going to tackle Hussein at any moment
Hillary was all smiles just the other day getting her shiny medal
And today she and bill ignore potato and
potato and dr potato ignore them all
Big mike didn't want an envelope
And bummer is relieved there were none.
Sound cynical
But were the fires to distract from the potential exposure of the fake past four years, fear of envelopes etc…?? And the flames got out of control?
It's like watch a Agatha Christie movie
Dancing boy
Fetterman and bannona share the same slob gene
He will flip like a flapjack and be wearing MAGA gear like potato by inauguration
Aerial of the devastation
only 5 people dead.
So where is everybody??