she looks vaxxed and 16 shots boosted
except blackrock and morgan stanley are far from equal and will be farther from equal when the dust settles
ass collapse
the fish is innocent. it is being used in a swindle. the little guy probably doesn't even know it.
witch confirmed. amulets and charms.
I did not know their police cars are so old. must be budget cuts. cash given to the migrants instead I guess.
drone put a hole in the wing. cannot go back up
egg-sactly. North American Union has been planned from way back.
maybe Trump is trying to get ahead of the NWO initiative to garner a stronger position for the U.S.. The trouble is he is only president for four years.
some rims are magnesium also
remember during "crises" multiple factions could be in operation.
consider that live trees contain a lot of water. could explain the reason trees are unaffected. In Yosemite, after the fire; the oldest trees were the least burned.
beautiful sentiment
there is water in the trees, also bark is natures fire protection for the tree. the most catastrophic is a canopy fire. this is when the fire makes it's way to the top of the tree.
DEI pilot?
Xi Jinping 1985
buyer's remorse
looks like an unpopular topic of discussion is being forced into the public square.
newsom is the ventriloquist speaking through the fish. the fish would never fuck your house but newsom would