Soon, there will be no more Black people.
Most Blacks are already half-White.
Black people desire lighter skin.
All actors wear make-up.
Free hotels for Migrants
Loaded ATM cards for Migrants.
Nothing for homeless American Citizens in N. Carolina.
AI doesn't understand idioms.
That isn't Trump's style.
Trump always acts like he is their best friend and then exposes them and gets their own people to string them up by throwing them under the bus to try to save their own skin.
The anti-Christ will be Jewish.
Their nonsense and perversions are getting old.
Time for them to return to their closets.
Jew Boy placed in position.
The Criminals are good at celebrating themselves.
It's called back peddling, and it's what people do when they know they are fucked.
And Jews wonder why people are "antisemitic."
Maybe the Ukraine is just getting back the money that was stollen from them in 2014 in the C!A Color Revolution?
Tampons in the men's room was just their way of shoving their perversions in everyone's faces.
Real women bring their own tampons to work, they don't rely on a tampon dispensing machine.
Moar women need to be stay at home moms and homemakers and just stay out of the work force all together.