porn monger shill it the easiest filter
so the only option is for the insurer to declare bankruptcy?
badger shills who use ad hominum attacks are easily filtered.
shills who try to train people to think from their groin are a pox.
peddle your demonism elsewhere.
5 million is the inflated 'this is the beautiful people house' pricing.
most likely it won't cost that much to rebuild it.
callowness is bad right now, for you, and for everyone who has to read your posts.
have some sympathy.
you really should say
2,417,109 REPORTED to have voted for . . . '
because isn't it obvious that LA doesn't have fair elections?
It doesn't surprise me that he's the unforgiving sort.
was it 'symbolism' or 'their NEED for symbolism'?
very much so.
as I said the callowness you display is bad for you and bad for those who have to endure it.
1000's of homes have been burned to cinders.
if you can't fathom why people might have a need for tears than I wonder what is wrong with you.
it looks like a nuclear bomb went off.
many people are probably missing.
I suggest you meditateon why you have no compassion.
And the excuse 'this is Q Research' is bogus.
when Donald Trump was shot did you even shed a tear in those moments when we didn't know yet that he was going to be OK?
again: I suggest you meditate upon your own lack of compassion and cease from posting with the same flavor of posts that you've done already this bread.
anon, then you'd have to live with yourself, and care for yourself, and sleep with your self, every single night.
are you really ready to endure such a horrible fate?
(just kidding.)
Yes, I was kidding. Didn't you read the whole post?
one other point: if there were two of you then when people told you to go F yourself, you really could.
but you might get in a fight with yourself to see which pitches and which catches.
you could not that you'd have to.
I was making a joke in poor taste, naturally you have free will and wouldn't have to just because someone said that to you.
at this point they should say 'We won't be able to do the Olympics now'
your obsession with a cat meme is pathetic.
now are your writing callus folk lyrics?
maybe they left on a Midnight Train to Georgia.
Woot Woo
She'd rather live in his world
than live without him in hers?
funny meme.
ah, I see, now you make me the bad guy.
it's bit early for your kind of tripe concerning these issues.
but do try to change the subject to North Carolina.
the healthy attitude would be to have compassion for the victims in both places.
and then ending it with a pejorative put down: classless, tasteless, and mean
but it doesn't bother me anon.
I didn't have my house burn down and so I count my blessings.
I hope you count yours.
do as thou wilt, you're shillishness is clear and apparent.
that's hillarious.
you're jumping through hoops and making them appear out of thin air!
how does it make me happy to tell a callus jerk to shut up about people in LA being sad that their town was burned to cinders?
you make a meaningless post.
if I sin I hope to realize it and confess it so what's your point?
are you trying to cast a spell?
it doesn't work.
super intelligent people often play the dunce so that stuff like that doesn't happen to them.