Big Pharma is not going to like that
Prepare for Demonization Operation
Ivermectin + Fenbendazole = Esuna
We have the Cure Gentlemen
It will be Denounced
It will be Demonized
It will be Denied
Ivermectin + Fenbendazole = Esuna
5.5 Billion people took a Experimental Gene Therapy that failed Phase 1 Trials for 50 years & Was never approved by the FDA
If I had Cancer
I would Try Ivermectin + Fenbendazole
Can't be any worse than 10% chance of Surviving Chemo
This from the same people that ran a 3 day study on Childhood Vaccines
Ivermectin + Fenbendazole
Just might be the Cure that the Vaxxed need
Wouldn't that be a Twist
People who talk about Muslim Rape Gangs Raping Children are the Real Rapists
Arsonists lighting Fires are the Real Victims
If people just believed in Climate Change they would have to burn the world down to prove it exists