WOW 🚨 Even the mainstream media is turning on Governor Gavin Newsom
Billionaire Los Angeles Times owner Dr. Pat Soon-Shiong says it's "crazy" California doesn't elect leaders with competence
“it's so crazy that we have leaders that are reactive rather than proactive — we don't elect people with great operational competence. There's really no surprise that we would've fires”
“I heard this excuse about disinformation. I mean, I think that's outrageous”
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woke_mind_virus deleted rm -rf
traceroute woke_mind_virus
"[COVID was] totally…part of doing the Going Direct Reset…every 80 to a 120 years since the central banking warfare model [was] instituted…for 500 years…we have a reset…this is not the first time plague laws have been used to engineer a reset. It's very typical." (1/3)
Investment banker, former HUD official, and founder of the Solari Report (@solari_the) Catherine Austin Fitts describes for Stephen Gardner (@StephenGardnerX) how the entire COVID narrative was a part of the "Going Direct Reset"—that is, a plan engineered by the likes of the central bankers and investment goliath BlackRock to reset a failing monetary system and usher in a new one in its place. Fitts notes that this kind of reset has occurred every 80 to 120 years since the implementation of the "central banking warfare model" instituted ~500 years ago.
"I saw [COVID] totally as part of doing the Going Direct Reset," Fitts tells Gardner. "The central bankers met in August 2019. So every every 80 to 120 years since the central banking warfare model has been instituted, for 500 years…we have a reset. And so…basically…the central bankers met and reviewed the Going Direct Reset plan on August 2019."
Fitts adds: "Everybody went back to Washington and Wall Street. They started to implement it that September, starting in the repo market." For reference, the "repo market" or "Repurchase Agreement Market" is a market where financial institutions borrow and lend short-term funds using securities like government bonds as collateral.
"Essentially, I saw the entire COVID pandemic as simply part of the operation of implementing the Going Direct Reset," Fitts notes. "If you go back through history, this is not the first time plague laws have been used to engineer a reset. It's very typical."
The former HUD official and investment banker goes on to say:
"[The reset was done this way] because…if I come and I say, 'Look. I'm gonna lock you down and take your stuff,' you're gonna have a problem with that. But if I say, 'Oh, there's a magic virus that's gonna kill you, and I have to protect you, you have to stay in your house,' you know, it's much easier to sell the reset with plague laws than it is with reality. Right? So I just saw it [COVID] as part of the reset."
Here's the Going Direct Reset plan as outlined by BlackRock in Aug. 2019:
It notes: "Going direct means the central bank finding ways to get central bank money directly in the hands of public and private sector spenders."
BTW, note the spelling of "organised" in this paragraph. That is the British spelling of the word, not the American spelling (organized)…
What does that signal? 🤔
Here is Bank of International Settlements head Agustin Carstens noting CBDCs—central bank digital currencies—can be used to monitor how people spend their money.
This is key to the Going Direct Reset: central bankers supply the digital money, and they control how it's spent.
Note that the Bank of International Settlements can be thought of as the central bank for the central banks in each country.
Full interview:
S. Gardner w/ Catherine Austin Fitts: I can't BELIEVE Biden did THIS, GET HIM OUT NOW!! - 1/7/25