look at whatsts going on maxine johhny they are freaky out..you POS, ready welcome
these asses have been getting away with this crap for to long…see them freaking out?
I cal them DEMONCRATS throw holy water on them they look like spinning head green puking demons
They set themselves up …they are stupid
all you need to know….God wins..out
too the shills ..you were offered a way out..now you get the wraith .sorry dumbass
Ps Armenian shills that money you get might not be worth it…Q research…PS Turkey you remember?
Armenian people will killed..and now you suck from the teat from the killers for a dollar?
Armenian men are week… maybe we come to take your women
Armienian women are sold and children >>men what will you do? cry about Jews while you people are taken by mulsims
your weak..always been weak your hitsory
Armienia….what to do …war?..see your people Die all for $$$$$..wake up biathces
you are the new ___ punks is the money worth the outcome
Once a proud country >Now paid for
So the control?
All for enough money to buy some food while they make millions
Think ?
proud country ..History and you sell out? why?
some dollars/ you family..you chldren
No More
Oh they pay you well..guess what..God said you lose …sorry
Is it worth it?
they will lose…there are rules
Satan is bound by rules…
yep sucks dont it
he can only do what is allowed..no power
There are rules ..ask him
He will tell you because he must Rules
hey peeps this whole thing is planned..its done..oh this and that and run and cover..It has been done
It is willed..game over
What will Q post today? omg he didnt……thats it they when…no watch..God wins
Watch what happens…It is done,,God said its done
Oh muh jews..oh Q will not be back..ohh the MSM..oh no the sky is falling? They have been trying for over a year…I am retired Army watch what is coming coming down..classic military op