Offer them free helicopter rides….
I just checked JA's twitter and the last post there was from Feb 10th.
Credico has Super Secret Sauce?
Multiple sources say this is old news and has been debunked.
usapatriotsvoice link does not work.
Maybe you didn't check the link I provided?
Check the date of this post, compare the information provided and you will see it is the EXACT same story with a different date.
Facebook users have flagged a fake news story that says “a ship owned and operated by the Clinton Foundation was raided as it arrived from Africa … at the Port of Baltimore.”
The bogus story claims that “BPA Harbormaster Jake Cummings” told CNN that a cargo ship named “Chelsea” was illegally transporting 460 refugees “from places like Yemen and Syria,” as well as “illegal fruits that could potentially carry foreign insects and foodborne illnesses, weapons without serial numbers on them and no less than 30 pounds of marijuana.”
All of those details were fabricated by America’s Last Line of Defense, which, as we’ve written before, is a website that admits to making up its stories.
A revised disclaimer on its website now says: “America’s Last Line of Defense is a satirical publication that uses the imagination of liberals to expose the extreme bigotry and hate and subsequent blind gullibility that festers in right-wing nutjobs. We present fiction as fact and our sources don’t actually exist. Names that represent actual people and places are purely coincidental and all images should be considered altered and do not in any way depict reality. In other words, if you believe this crap you’re a real dumbass.”
The fake story even prompted a response from the Port of Baltimore.
Quit sliding the bread with this horseshit.