Credico is trying to spread this
Stuffs is happening
Credico is trying to spread this
Stuffs is happening
This news conference with the duck boat survivor that lost her husband and 3 kids is cringe af
They shouldn't have her on…seems ghoulish
This poor woman doesn't realize they are gone
Dunno…he just tweeted it out from his account
Boystown is right across the border in Nuevo Laredo
Y'know….donkey show, monkey show, miles of underage prostitutes
Not sure what this is exactly…I get in in wide view, but if you could kinda summarize?
Aha…thank you, anon
They are drug from all over Mexico….its the saddest place ever. I have been….but I will just say I didnt go of my own volition and leave it there
I am also a Texan…its getting really rough here with all the shit piling over the border. Its so dangerous now. Agree…its the consumption that drives it
Family friend is a sheriff who does BP every other weekend
He said it is much worse than people know
Prayer rugs, rape trees, muzzies pouring in, little kids carrying bags of drugs
We need a wall so badly….the tunnels have to be found and filled, but they are hard to find apparently
Very true, anon
Anon last night had theory about that
IMO's pizza chain had a manager who got caught with the kids in his apt he kidnapped. Missouri or somewhere…it was a few years ago
I cant remember his name, but he was the one who held one boy for several years
We have several. I am in a suburb next to a large city….which has now been sucked into that crap city
We are getting the fugg out next year. Luckily property is still pretty cheap in most of Texas, but not for long
Makes me sick what they have done to my beautiful home state
I likes to help