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Attack vectors
-Mainstream Media
Study CNN. Know the history. Know the people.
Control over the sleeping population. Provides cover for ALL operations. If this falls, it all falls.
Goal: Take the country without firing a shot.
Counter: Social Media, Q, SPEAK. Eventually Offensive. We have gangs to dismantle and a country to reclaim.
Goal: We kill ourselves.
Counter: Report local dealers. Intercept smuggling operations.
Gender roles SWITCH, gaslighting, very subtle seeds of doubt and confusion in movies, games, commercials
Goal: Reinforce mainstream media vector
Counter: Strengthen your mind. Alternative media.
Setting up for future failure
Goal: Easy control of a defeated nation
Counter: Get involved in schools. Dismiss mentally ill teachers. Control the curriculum. Do not let up.
Illegal immigrants, specialty domination [Indians in IT][Mexicans in Framing]
Goal: Push down US citizens
Counter: Unite. The people are not the problem.
AI, BCI, Social Media
Goal: Gender dysphoria, psychological damage, FUD
Counter: Private sector defense tech
-Intellectual Property
Theft by spies
Goal: Remove developing advantages
Counter: Ensure secure systems. Counter espionage.
-Law Enforcement
Bribed and compromised.
Goal: No legal discourse for attacks.
Counter: Administration, lawsuits, class action lawsuits. Know your rights.