Education is so bad in US, they just make shit up and call it science
Seeing how Astoria was very first settlement on West coast
My money is on Oregon, they are hiding something there
Could cause a huge issue with real estate
Now suddenly insuring a big boomer MacMansion will become impossible
People were living off their homes inflated value, been going on for couple decade now.
Real homeowners insurance is 5k a year for a 1300 sq ft home
Umm, Brentwood is near San Francisco why would LA cops be there?
Gotta have water to fight fire
I thought only NJ gave same name to towns
Gotta be the most wrong meme ever…kek
Since shit rolls downhill
Does that mean NSA contractors will finally get fired?
Assholes have been spying on civilians for 20 years
I’ve used borax for decades, was a great termite treatment in NJ
The “Bullshit Age” is ending
If your state doesn’t produce a necessary product you are DOA
Learn how to farm cuz you are gonna starve sitting at your puter
Nah, stop with the military industrial complex propaganda
First off SAC has to admit there are no nukes in silos all over the American Midwest
Was propaganda and an outright lie
Hilarious the Jews tried to pass Zelenskyy off as the AnitChrist