[They] don't walk down the street. [They] ride in their gubment SUVs surrounded by heavily armed security. They are not concerned.
There is no finer, geometric shape than that of a beautiful woman. Except, if this woman is the example.
See Skunk meme.
And I am wondering about this myself anon. The Republic is doomed if none of these treasonous pieces of shit are held accountable in the highest manner. High Treason is and should be punishable by death. I am hoping that when our POTUS says "success will be my revenge" that he is including in that statement the rule of law and the punishment that comes with it. If not, nothing changes. [They'll] be back.
Yea, probably retruning back to KFLL or KMIA to load up on more "culturally appropriate" food for the distinquished guest vacationing back at Club Gitmo. So far, about the only damn thing it's worth for. What happened to all that building down there? What's it being used for?