>>22340314 pb
This idea, "more evidence Israeli did it" is false.
It's for people who listen and follow "influence peddlers" and who fail to do their own work.
Also confirmation bias for those who hate Jews and believe in an International Jewish conspiracy; which is no more True-ish than a Jesuit conspiracy or a Banker conspiracy.
Why do the perps always want to convince people "It's the Jews" ?
Israeli was on one player in the attack of Sept. 11th.
Obviously USA military
Cheeney "Haliburton"
Aspen Society
"Future Combat System"
etc were all involved.
They are not all Jews, nor Isreal conrolled.
And if it is all controlled by Jewish people (who are only 4 percent of USA population) we need actual receipts, proof,
Not smug innuendo
Notice how Jew haters who blame 9/11 attack 100percent on Israeli are all condesencing, not open to any info that contradicts their thesis?
Why would that be?
They protest too loud that they are "fact based" when they actually refuse to look at certain facts which fail to support their belief.
Who did 9/11?
Not even close.
The DEW Connection
6 General Atomics
7 SPARTA, Inc.
8 Ionatron
9 Rockwell
10 Collins International
11 Mevatec/BAE
12 Ball Aerospace
13 Allied Signal
14 Hughes
15 EMS
16 United Technologies
17 Comlinear
18 Elbit/El-Op
19 IAI/Elta
The business of Directed Energy Weaponry started before 9/11.
Almost 50 companies received contracts and developed the weapons, satellite tools, codes and additional equipment.
Their names are:
Boeing ("Team ABL"), Lockheed, TRW, General Atomics, SPARTA, Inc., Ionatron, Rockwell
Collins International, Mevatec/BAE, Ball Aerospace, Allied Signal, Hughes, EMS, United
Technologies, Comlinear plus Israeli co-contractors Elbit/El-Op and IAI/Elta…
see also
First Directed Energy Education Workshop, 18 August 2000, Albuquerque, New Mexico
(not archived : before Nov. 2001 1st - 3rd Annual Directed Energy Symposium)
Other suspects :
20 Boeing
21 BAE Systems
passenger list of AA77
Chandler "Chad" Raymond Keller, Project Manager with Boeing Satellite Systems
Dong Lee, engineer with Boeing Co.
Ruben Ornedo, another propulsion engineer with Boeing
Robert Penninger, electrical engineer with BAE Systems
Other suspects :
22 L-3 Communications
23 PanAmSat Corporation
Other suspects :
The 9/11 Eurospace connection
see also
25 Thales Alenia Space
26 SES Dutch Skies
"Project Trailblazer"
27 ACS Defense ("Logicon TASC team")
"…Its services include integration engineering and support, computer resources/software engineering, simulation and modeling, technical analyses and reports, computer security, physical security, research and development support…electromagnetic compatibility…The company also provides civil, industrial, aeronautical, communication systems, reverse, environmental, manufacturing, and facility acquisition engineering services…ACS Defense, Inc. operates as a subsidiary of ManTech International Corporation…"