Where are Normies going without ever knowing the way?
Don't see with your Eyes, Perceive with your Mind.
Freedom of Liberty, of Bodily Autonomy
They can't make you to get a tattoo
& they can't make you wear a Mask
Especially if you all Band together
Strength in Numbers
If they All Refuse, Nothing will happen
If only one refuses, they will be made example of
Ooooh Rehhheally
Care to put that up for a referendum?
Let's see what the People think
& not just what the Elite think
If Trump Tariffs Canada
We'll Commit Economic Suicide and Tariff the US
How about you Refund the Police like Trump asked and Stop the Illegals and Drugs
The Funny thing is, When 10million illegals start fleeing to Canada, you'll wish you had taken his advice
>It’s not like the Canadians have any sort of army
They don't even have Bullets for Training
Trudeau Devastated the Military
& Wants to MAID the Vets
No one wants to Fight in an Army with no Bullets and if you get hurt they Suicide you
The Elite have stollen so much that Canada Can't pay the Bills without stealing from it's neighbors
Canadians are about to find out they're Broke
This could get ugly
Illegals are raping, Mudering and Burning Down Cities
Oh And he has a UN Debit Card
Why does he have a UN Debit Card?
Why is the UN Funding a Terrorist in America?