And of would let anyone into the U.S. State Archives, wouldn't you?
It's not like we are talking about documents ad baculum canis but very ancient texts that are precious and fragile
Political structure is but a reflection, sometimes dazzling, of an inner reality. Man's natural state is the mystical one. The mystical state is the repetition, in a civilization no longer choral, of the initiatory experience: a return of tradition in the proper sense, an involuntary recollection of a buried thing.
Therefore, an anthology of mystics begins at the moment of the exhaustion of initiatory rites, when the individual splits from the community and is no longer naturally shaped by it.
It is no coincidence that mysticism often leads to the creation of new communities within the state or on its margins: convents, associations of anchorites aimed at restoring the conditions of a more archaic and different community, devoted to the cultivation of the garden, to activities that in an urban world replace the happy gleaning of the tribes: begging, the vow of prostitution-when purity of customs is restored; the fusion of wills in the vow of obedience, indifference to gain and the accumulation of goods in the vow of poverty.
Chaste, SimoneWeil observed, is one who does not direct desire on a future but accepts himself in the present; spirit of obedienceand poverty are possible only if the future does not usurp the present.
The mystical state detaches from what is at the source of modern societies: the thirst for wealth and social prestige
Once the thirst for prestige, wealth, and security is extinguished, the diseases that go with preservation fade, a spontaneity emerges that makes the problems associated with volitional exercise incongruous, the strenuous adjustment to a legal system.
The mystic stands outside the competition for prestige and power, that is, acquires power over the power; moderns and the foolish among the ancients have mistaken quiet joy for the satisfaction resulting from the pursuit of tangible powers
But since the time of the scientific revolution, misunderstandings have multiplied to the point that deeming the mystical state normal sounds paradoxical…hence the political systems that are nothing but an initiation into modernity