Same reason Zelenski used the billions of dollars taxpayers gave Ukraine to build a terrorist army to depose Assad.
I'm sure there is, by the way my post was speculative. I'm certain that the deduction is rational and reasonable though. Another logical deduction is that the Rothschild / Soros families benefited from the COVID ordeal as well as YouCrane.
Had to refill the coughers emptied by MAGA, joke is on them we back.
There is some dark cloud of finance there in the background.
Same way the Clowns wash all the money from Human and Drug Trafficking.
So that they can execute illegal and criminal acts on the international stage without pesky oversight.
The Clowns moved to Brazil, that was why the political fight for Brazil was so intense.
Some of the post pivotal battles are in the finance space: Right Dopey?
All just my semi-educated opine.
unlike you, he actually has an impact.