Fake news
It is news like this that is likely still fake I do not pay attention to is all. If it is that is good for thought but with out news organization are you never know. Even about Obama is all… too. I would hope they would have been better so to speak. It is more of a lack of knowing what happened is all that is there. This is not to say it could not have happened so to speak. The issue is what is true or is not at this point is like how do you say well maybe 5% is true and 95% is not. Maybe 80% is true and 20% is not. This is the issue about credibility and news organizations.
Could be true but who knows for sure now these days about anything in the screen you hold. Even news papers make retractions so to speak.
I am a wait and see kinda person as what happens is all that matters in the end. You ever see news organizations thrive on one subject only to ignore so many others of important out there.
Dig up what?
Generalizations in reality someone is making…
I am not a fan of this type of thing. Especially if people are not talking about subjects in like Congress or Senate… President too. I do believe that Congress or Senate give a better answer of things as parties go because they are made up of both sides. However all of them are the legal voted representatives speaking for the people and chosen by the people.