What if they are porn.
FEMA camps set up during the 0bama Adm. to execute Patriots during the "planned" Hillary Adm. They never thought she would lose. Now they all lose. Hang them on their own gallows. Hoist them on their own petard. Use their own guillotines on them.
Like that goofy XXXX Large Black bitch who was given a glass flute to play?
What's up with that faggy shoulder bounce?
something about it going out to all followers or some such thing
Why do these Liberals keep getting away with their blatant crimes?
Conservatives can't get away with jaywalking while Liberals get away with murder.
Because murder is illegal, for Conservatives.
I guess their own people will have to kill them.
So now we have Karens and Kristins.
And where are all of these people supposed to go?
Uprooting families.
Moving is very expensive and a lot of work.
People can't always just leave their jobs, their schools, their extended families.
You're talking about relocating millions of people out of large cities to where exactly?
Will a job and a house be provided for them?
By whom?
The Wonderful Government, like when LBJ did his Great Migration in the 60s and displaced millions of Conservative Whites in big cities and replaced them with Blacks from the south?
The Whites all got pushed out into the cornfields where they turned them into suburbs, at the expense of the Latchkey Kids whose moms were forced to go to work to help pay for it.
Why not?
It's 5 am and I can't sleep.
Better than talking to myself.
Shills calling other shills shills.
Light skinned Black people are the worst.
So arrogant. They think they are better than their darker skinned relatives.
There are Indians from India,
and there are Native Americans who are no longer called Indians,
to avoid confusion.
Because they weren't allowed to drill in the Gulf of Mexico, so they are drilling in the Gulf of America instead.
It's all about the words that are used.