The Full Wolf Moon 'eats' Mars tonight. Here's how to see it
January 13, 2025
Just four days after it passed in front of the Pleiades star cluster, the moon will cross paths with another noteworthy celestial object on Monday evening, Jan. 13, when it will cover the planet Mars, now shining as bright as it will get in this new year of 2025.
An opportunity to see the moon occult a bright planet at night does not happen too often; for Mars, a specific location on Earth can see it happen (on average) once about every 14 years.
So, if you are fortunate to live in the occultation zone and the weather cooperates, this upcoming event is one that really should not be missed.
The moon will be mere hours past full phase during the occultation. Traditionally, the January full moon is known as the "Wolf Moon."
At the moment it officially turns full — 5:27 p.m. EST (2227 GMT) — it will be diametrically opposite to the sun in the sky.
By sheer coincidence, Mars is also opposite to the sun, though its actual moment of "opposition" will not come until late on Wednesday, Jan. 15.
Still — both objects, the moon and Mars will be near enough to each other so that during Monday evening, the moon will temporarily hide the planet from view, and much of North America has a ringside seat to observe it.
Mars no match for the moon
The zone of visibility for this event encompasses practically all of the contiguous (lower 48) United States, as well as much of central and eastern Canada.
Since Mars will be near opposition when it has its lunar rendezvous, it will be shining at its very brightest for this current apparition; glowing at magnitude -1.3, just a trifle less prominent compared to the brightest star in the sky (Sirius).
And yet, just before Mars disappears and later reappears from behind the moon, it likely will be overwhelmed by the moon's brilliance.
The moon will be nearly 40 thousand times brighter than Mars, so in order to actually see it vanish or reappear you will need a telescope or at the very least, good binoculars.
Be sure to also check out our guides for tips on how to photograph the planets or photograph the moon during this lunar occultation.
A few hours before, or after the occultation however, Mars will be plainly visible with unaided eyes, glowing brightly near to the dazzling disk of this first full moon of the winter season.
People, who are unaware or have no advance notice will almost certainly wonder, as they cast a casual glance toward our nearest neighbor in space on this second Monday in January, just what is that "bright orange-yellow light"?
Sometimes, such occasions bring with them a sudden rash of phone calls to radio and television stations, local planetariums, weather offices and police precincts.
Not a few of these calls excitedly inquire about "the mysterious UFO" (or nowadays, maybe a drone?) that's closely hovering in the vicinity of our natural satellite!
A gradual fade-out
Unlike a star which is a pinpoint of light and would disappear and reappear in an instant, Mars appears as a small disk in telescopes; owing to its relatively large angular size (14.6 arc seconds in diameter), the occultation will occur at a rather "leisurely" pace.
So, the disappearance of Mars behind the moon's bright limb for most places, will take anywhere from about 30 seconds to almost a minute (or even longer in locations where the moon's limb approaches it obliquely at a slant).
From Washington D.C., for instance, the moon's slow eastward drift will take about 30 seconds to completely cover the planet's disk. The planet's reappearance will also be gradual.
Moving to the east against the background stars at its own apparent diameter each hour, the moon will appear to approach Mars from the west (right) and ultimately pass in front of it, and then shortly thereafter, uncover it, and leave it behind as the moon continues to move to the east.