>Dough; looking for handoff
>he harbors a deep fear of being assassinated, saying, “Deep down, I’m scared that somebody’s going to ki*l me.”
almost like he can't walk down the street
The California water sector is rapidly hiring. How do we reflect
California’s diversity at all levels of our workforce and foster a more
inclusive environment with our co-workers?
Join this panel of water leaders for an in-depth discussion about new
workforce development programs, new DEI efforts and a discussion
about what can hold back diversity efforts and the champions we
need to move these efforts forward.
This webinar is free and open to water professionals, leaders, HR
professionals and anyone interested in our sector to join this critical
discussion. The webinar is part of our series celebrating water
professionals for California Water Professionals Appreciation Week.
Noon to 1:00 p.m.
Diversity in California Water
Water Leaders Discuss Building a
Diverse, Welcoming and Inclusive Water Sector
> https://cweawebstorage1.blob.core.windows.net/cwea-website/conferences/10-07-21-WPAW-Diversity-in-water.pdf
>Diversity in California Water
All people in California are healthy,
financially stable, and safe.
This vision articulates an ideal
state of being that we want all
Californians to experience. It
inspired the strategies contained
in this Racial Equity Action Plan.
Although DWR cannot achieve this
vision alone, we are committed to
doing our part to make it a reality.
The Department of Water Resources has a
responsibility and opportunity to be a force for positive
change by supporting initiatives and programs that
promote the human right to safe, clean, and affordable
water supplies and protection from floods.
Historically, many of these initiatives and programs
have failed to meet the needs of all Californians
regardless of race. While California is blessed with
rich natural resources, past actions have at times
threatened that abundance with the effects felt
unevenly by communities across California. The data
speaks for itself: marginalized communities experience
uniquely different realities – including access to
drinking water, water quality issues, and infrastructure
investments – when compared to their more affluent
counterparts. These inequities are exacerbated by
climate change and during times of crisis, including
the current historic drought.
It is our responsibility to recognize and address
these inequities by promoting proactive policies,
procedures and practices that advance racial equity.
Across our industry, there is now greater awareness
about the importance of equity to water management.
But awareness is not enough. We cannot ignore our
collective responsibility to do better with concrete
actions, more accountability and greater transparency.
This plan marks the Department’s first centralized
effort at building our capacity to integrate greater
racial equity into our programs, policies, and practices
for the benefit of all Californians. I encourage all
employees to embrace this opportunity to learn,
improve our processes, and ensure the benefits
of our work are realized more deeply in all of the
communities we serve.
Karla Nemeth
> https://water.ca.gov/-/media/DWR-Website/Web-Pages/About/Files/DWR-REAP-06142022-FINAL_ay11.pdf
Water Plan Update 2023
Press Release | Executive Summary
The California Department of Water Resources (DWR) has released the final version of California Water Plan Update 2023. This plan can now be used by water managers, such as water districts, cities and counties, and Tribal communities, to inform and guide the use and development of water resources in the state. Update 2023 focuses on three intersecting themes: addressing climate urgency,strengthening watershed resilience,and achieving equity in water management.
DWR hosted a webinar to provide an overview of the plan on April 29, 2024. An agenda and the recoding of the webinar is available on DWR Events page.
You can find the final document and more information on the Update 2023 page.
> https://water.ca.gov/Programs/California-Water-Plan
Welcome to California Water Plan Update 2023!
In the spirit of previous Water Plan updates,
Update 2023 continues to broaden the community of
interest that has fulfilled an integral role in developing and
evolving the plan over decades. Reaching the hearts and
minds of as many Californians as possible is key to the
success of the Water Plan’s vision and its recommendations;
only by working together to meet current and future
challenges will we achieve the sustainability and resilience
vital for our water systems, natural and human-made. Further,
Update 2023 considers diversityin California’s economy,
ecosystems, cultures, and ideas not only astrengthbut
essential to collaboratively meeting those challenges.
Update 2023 is written in clear, concise, and straightforward
terms, with awareness of and respect for the histories of the
state’sdiverse peoples who call California lands and waters
home. As we continue to learn and act collaboratively, the
equitable sharing of our knowledge, effort, and resources will
ensure a prosperous future for all Californians
> https://water.ca.gov/-/media/DWR-Website/Web-Pages/Programs/California-Water-Plan/Docs/Update2023/Final/California-Water-Plan-Update-2023.pdf