This how you know they have control and can edit the sight on the fly and so on this is not thought of to exist but in government and super computer tech it is… it is like a full shell so on like a platform running not really needing to be posted on the web in any way so to speak…
So this is the issue with these people in what ever way it is…
They do this to annoy people and say well there is nothing you can do to them because they are 49 and gay I guess or something now… so then what this is all about gender equality…
Do you need to go around saying your entitled to more rights then anyone because of gender or sexuality? Does this make you feel bigger or better to people…?
So then this how it is every day and this idea they will still be around after Trump is gone from 4 year term is a problem and needs to be noted… “48” was there so I am stating this is how they do voter intimidation constantly and also say if you support a president elect or a president they do not like they will come for you… harassing you with organized gang stalking groups that are made up of extortionist… and black mail professionals…
This is what Italian mob is known for and you know who formed antifa the Italian mob… it was like the gangs that where below them…
So they are all so proud to do this and got so much pride for it.