kek just sent this email to the Why Files
Cult of Saturn
I am a cult memeber by research and association.
In the beg the planets where worshipped as the gods
Saturn was the God Satan.
And the earth orbited saturn
Saturn is the brown dwarf star you are looking for
during a moon collision into saturn, venus was born and brimstone rained upon the earth destroying the dinosaurs
in the begin was the first man of silicon based [Cain]
After the moon collision into saturn (saturn pulled by jupiter)
and us pulled by the sun we drifted away from saturn and began our ice age.
as we approached our current orbit closer to this carbon based sun we started to melt [deluge] and the second race of man sprout up, a carbon based man. YOU and we are known as the children of [Able]
Cain and Able = Cainable = Cannibal
That is the reason Cain killed Able
The first race of man was the neaderthal genetically modified from the chimpanzee and alien DNA.
the aliens used saturn as a wormhole to enter our galazy.
and used us as slaves to mine the minerals [Caveman]
These aliens still exist in our poles and yes the moon is their base for recyvling souls, been inside and seen it [remotely] and all the souls waiting for reincarnation. I am one of the remote viewers with special ability to have met god face to face as well as have been within the body of a lizzid [kek] during the time of a group conversation. dont think the where aware i was there.
Yes a lot of spooky shit going on. Just wanted to say thank you for your work and love your hecklefish <3 btw the word of god is OM. YAHWEH = novowels in hebrew YHWH = H is silent = YW pronounced (You)