I posted this in the last bread near the end so I think it got lost in the red-text shill-wall shuffle.
This self-described "prophecy" channel on Telegram predicted that a hole would appear in the sun back on January 1st and has the receipts to prove it.
I can't vouch for anything else on the channel, but it certainly felt notable.
>All of the "I've been here since 2020" shit makes me kek hard.
Funny, I've only been here since 2020 and it hasn't hurt my reputation none.
Personally I drank some beer, ate some edibles, and am now guzzling coffee.
Got to keep the Gamma waves a'burning when battling deep state demons in the astral plane.
>Reputation…identity…fuckin losers….famefags fuck off……..
Show us on the doll where I just fucked you.
You already lost the battle for the soul of the board years ago, by the way. We just didn't know how to break it to you until now.
Sorry for your loss.
I already doxxed myself years ago because the deep state obviously already knows who I am and also… I'm a complete fuckin' nobody, so nobody actually gives a shit who I am.
What are you going to do, get me fired from my job that doesn't exist and kick me out of my parents' house.
Suck my haggard roast beef vagina, faggot. Surprise, I'm actually an elderly Chinese woman from Kalamazoo.
>very low P (probability) x almost infinite (vastness of space) = almost certain
Yes, but they'd have to have interdimensional technology which probably isn't within the reach of meat-space entities, or have a warp drive which would require extremely exotic resources to power as well as having had to start traveling here an incredibly long time ago.
It's possible, but the alien narrative seems like a psyop that was only possible to pull off before commercail drones became a thing.
>I think. It is interesting when people try to use this type of language notice this is no then the woman bs going on…
Even money says this is Tranime Baker throwing a hysterical transmission fit because no one likes them anymore. Sounds like him at least.
>Even money says this is Tranime Baker throwing a hysterical transmission fit because no one likes them anymore. Sounds like him at least.
To be clear, I was referring to this faggot, not you:
>They're telling you in plain sight they work for the reptilians
I always took it as parasite comms, actually. But similar enough. Serpent in the garden yada-yada-yada.
Kind of sus how all of the drugs that were put on display during covid are also anti-parasitic dewormers.
Slow-reveal to the public that we've been under physical oppression from literal parasites this entire time?
These people are sick…. AND evil.
It's amazing to me that Roger Waters still doesn't seem to realize that this album is about him and not Syd Barrett.
After all, when was Syd Barrett ever a malignantly narcissistic nazi prick?
>It's amazing to me that Roger Waters still doesn't seem to realize that this album is about him and not Syd Barrett.
>After all, when was Syd Barrett ever a malignantly narcissistic nazi prick?
"It's just a prank, Jew-bro. Bro, bro. It's just a prank bro."
>does he love hammers and gews?
He's not a fan of gews, but the Israelis antifa-left is oddly a fan of his crossed arms symbolism.
>Nazi Ash Kan Jews
Yeah, these types are not doing the rest of the Jews any favors, that's for sure.
Ehud Barak is 100% behind these types of protests by the way. He openly admits that he's been trying to run a color revolution on Netanyahu.
>How good do baby dicks taste for rabbits to go after them like that…….all fresh and bloody…
I'm sorry nobody wants to suck your baby dick, but this is an odd way to tell the world about your penis size.
>Every male gew has had his dick sucked by a MAN.
You get that there are different denominations of Judaism, correct? That's mostly just an ultra-Hasidic thing these days.
I really gotta stop responding to this shill already, BV deletion is too quick on the draw this morning.
Good shootin' Anon.