pagan satanic liberal progressive democrats on the hot seat
can the soi' boi' pull another raid asap
I would like to submit that Heg put sum gum under a desk sometime in his life and he has also not disrobed before the orgy room
watch the water - Heg
shudder steeredlessnowaylardcard lesgoFIRE
current wanna be instigator deadly fires in SoCal run by same
they want to see how many push ups he can do before pee pee break
code speak for women act like men and men actin like women
women defending women while not having a definition for women are not women they are preposterous pretenders of women
orgy gods demand nudity
shill voice sound
carry em out like the protestors
dick calling for DOGE
and some dick
how is this minimum wage no skills orgy member have a job
when dem' talk sex as a moral superiority in the orgy is room is so hot right now
current its muh time speaker really wants to see dick
Senator - will you resign for being a stupid biden back coating slider baby killer fire hydrant stealer?
the covid is strong in this senator
transgender is the ultimate in standards -
stand for DICK
wow - the stone throwers in full rage
moar proof these fools shouldn't get paid minimum wage
wasn't this freak Hill's fav drunk midget?
petty vain faggotry gloriousness - committee orgy tick tock
poco is up - pow wow no drinking rape and groom pilgrim
fine represenatation of a woman squaw - right thar
not a very fine showing of women - women shouldn't be talking in hysterics at all
someone send the demonic senators some horse semen
never seen a seating laughing ovation - on live tv and the internet
same board under the current Biden admin
white orgy supremacy