harry duke mayo polka
polyester fanny glee club fo duke mayo >>22356645
duke mayo smear$ on bologna >>22356745
>duke mayo isREAL >>22356713 (You)
>>is not
>>prince cottage cheese
duke mayo gloopin juwish rye >>22356771
>duke mayo smear$ on bologna >>22356745 (You)
>>duke mayo isREAL >>22356713 (You) (You)
>>>is not
>duke mayo gloopin juwish rye >>22356771 (You)
>>duke mayo smear$ on bologna >>22356745 (You) (You)
>>>duke mayo isREAL >>22356713 (You) (You) (You)
>>>>is not
when weinurs touchin buns git duke mayo
ooey gooey creamy bullshit wiggurs luuub duke mayo >>22356891
>>>22356857 (You)
>>duke mayo gloopin juwish rye >>22356771 (You) (You)
>>>duke mayo smear$ on bologna >>22356745 (You) (You) (You)
>>>>duke mayo isREAL >>22356713 (You) (You) (You) (You)
>>>>>is not
>when weinurs touchin buns git duke mayo
>ooey gooey creamy bullshit wiggurs luuub duke mayo >>22356891
>> >>22356857
>>>duke mayo gloopin juwish rye >>22356771
>>>>duke mayo smear$ on bologna >>22356745
>>>>>duke mayo isREAL >>22356713
>>>>>>is not prince cottage cheese
>>when weinurs touchin buns git duke mayo
prince cottage cheese happens
butt not duke mayo smears itself
duke mayo gittin wienurs in buns cuz touchin an polkester FiB$ >>22356907
> >>22356896 (You)
>>ooey gooey creamy bullshit wiggurs luuub duke mayo >>22356891 (You)
>>> >>22356857 (You)
>>>>duke mayo gloopin juwish rye >>22356771 (You)
>>>>>duke mayo smear$ on bologna >>22356745 (You)
>>>>>>duke mayo isREAL >>22356713 (You)
>>>>>>>is not prince cottage cheese
>>>when weinurs touchin buns git duke mayo
>prince cottage cheese happens
>butt not duke mayo smears itself
only mayo of duh dukewill saav kunts frum daddy$mcA$$pounds an ickey ouse castle trannys salad bar griefur spam fo sho >>22356935
>duke mayo gittin wienurs in buns cuz touchin an polkester FiB$ >>22356907 (You)
>> >>22356896 (You) (You)
>>>ooey gooey creamy bullshit wiggurs luuub duke mayo >>22356891 (You) (You)
>>>> >>22356857 (You) (You)
>>>>>duke mayo gloopin juwish rye >>22356771 (You) (You)
>>>>>>duke mayo smear$ on bologna >>22356745 (You) (You)
>>>>>>>duke mayo isREAL >>22356713 (You) (You)
>>>>>>>>is not prince cottage cheese
>>>>when weinurs touchin buns git duke mayo
>>prince cottage cheese happens
>>butt not duke mayo smears itself
duke mayo is for canadian bacon choices an tomato violence >>22356951
>only mayo of duh dukewill saav kunts frum daddy$mcA$$pounds an ickey ouse castle trannys salad bar griefur spam fo sho >>22356935 (You)
>>duke mayo gittin wienurs in buns cuz touchin an polkester FiB$ >>22356907
>>> >>22356896 (You) (You) (You)
>>>>ooey gooey creamy bullshit wiggurs luuub duke mayo >>22356891
>>>>> >>22356857
>>>>>>duke mayo gloopin juwish rye >>22356771
>>>>>>>duke mayo smear$ on bologna >>22356745
>>>>>>>>duke mayo isREAL >>22356713
>>>>>>>>>is not prince cottage cheese
>>>>>when weinurs touchin buns git duke mayo
>>>prince cottage cheese happens
>>>butt not duke mayo smears itself
white or wheat or juwish rye is askin for spam wiff duke mayo >>22356982
>duke mayo is for canadian bacon choices an tomato violence >>22356951 (You)
>>only mayo of duh dukewill saav kunts frum daddy$mcA$$pounds an ickey ouse castle trannys salad bar griefur spam fo sho >>22356935 (You) (You)
>>>duke mayo gittin wienurs in buns cuz touchin an polkester FiB$ >>22356907 (You)
>>>> >>22356896 (You) (You) (You) (You)
>>>>>ooey gooey creamy bullshit wiggurs luuub duke mayo >>22356891 (You)
>>>>>> >>22356857 (You)
>>>>>>>duke mayo gloopin juwish rye >>22356771 (You)
>>>>>>>>duke mayo smear$ on bologna >>22356745 (You)
>>>>>>>>>duke mayo isREAL >>22356713 (You)
>>>>>>>>>>is not prince cottage cheese
>>>>>>when weinurs touchin buns git duke mayo
>>>>prince cottage cheese happens
>>>>butt not duke mayo smears itself
>rump In
>rump Ad
>rump with a custom
>rump's in
>rump men
>rump today put his full back in behind the special session
>rump may give to the state
fart cologne was crop dustur
fineART$$ bi doggo