tip of the hat to whoever moved the filter up to the top…. down side note, so easy now there are no posts to look at anymore this early in the night shift bread kek one love to the organic anons out there..anon knows there are still a few o7
first world problems but also fourchans so jacked now, can't even have fun there anymore… every actual good thread is archived in 30 posts or less and now it's all I hate women, I hate jeets, I hate Russia, and even one on bidets that went to 300 .. ffs all jannies glow, lmk if anons out there start a non comped gathering place , smdh ps aware this is honeypot too gn
just DEW it… with homeless peeps and blow torches kek not fire damage anons, wake up… melted cars including rims glass and engine blocks(2600 fht) , homes razed to the foundation including porcelain tubs, sinks , etc . trees? oh they're fine, wood doesn't burn silly … refer to Lahaina , Paradise, BC, Valencia, NYC, etc etc . we are under attack
organic humans by their own govt/controllers.. will never refer to these satanic fux as elite.. gnf