Anonymous ID: 453862 July 21, 2018, 7:14 p.m. No.2236310   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Judge rules against stripping convicted terrorist of US citizenship


A federal judge ruled against stripping away the U.S. citizenship of a convicted terrorist tied to a plot to destroy the Brooklyn Bridge, citing a lack of evidence to prove that the status had been granted based on misrepresentations.

Iyman Faris, 49, was sentenced in 2003 for aiding and abetting al-Qaida by scoping out the iconic New York bridge as a part of a plot to cut through the cables supporting the structure. He had met with Osam bin Laden in Afghanistan and worked with 9/11 architect Khalid Sheikh Mohammed.

Faris is set to be released on Dec. 23, 2020, but a court filing last year in a U.S. District Court argued that Faris lied on immigration papers and that his terrorist affiliations demonstrated a lack of commitment to the Constitution.

Originally born in Pakistan, Faris became a citizen in 1999. He worked as a truck driver in Ohio and was married to an American woman.

Federal Judge Staci Yanle ruled this month in favor of Faris, saying that there was not enough evidence to prove that any misrepresentations influenced the decision to grant him citizenship.

“American citizenship is precious, and the government carries a heavy burden of proof when attempting to divest a naturalized citizen of his or her citizenship," she wrote on July 11.

The Department of Justice declined to comment to The Associated Press.

Faris’ case was one of the first terrorism cases to follow the 9/11 attacks.

Anonymous ID: 453862 July 21, 2018, 7:23 p.m. No.2236392   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6418 >>6595

Former ICE Chief: We've Arrested More Than 2,000 Sexual Predators


Today on Fox News, former director of United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), Thomas Homan, responded to comedian Michelle Wolff’s parody video comparing ICE to the terrorist organization ISIS. Homan condemned the video and explained that ICE has “arrested over 2,000 child predators” among other nefarious criminals who threaten the public.

Homan defended the agency, saying, touting the agency that has saved “thousands of children” from sex traffickers and child predators. In addition, the agency has also confiscated hundreds of thousands dollars worth of narcotics in the past year alone.


Since 2003, ICE has "arrested more than 16,000 individuals for crimes against children, including the production and distribution of online child pornography." During Operation SOAR in 2017, ICE arrested 32 illegal aliens with past histories ranging from sexual abuse to rape. ICE also made "more than 4,800 criminal arrests in national anti-gang operations" last year.

Anonymous ID: 453862 July 21, 2018, 7:39 p.m. No.2236531   🗄️.is đź”—kun

The Democratic Party Apologizes to Black Voters


Swanky fund-raisers don’t often begin with an apology to the well-heeled donors who shelled out thousands of dollars to sip wine, eat steak, and listen to pep-rally speeches. But as he looked out over a predominantly black crowd gathered at the Georgia Aquarium on Thursday night, Tom Perez, the Democratic National Committee chairman, felt compelled to issue a mea culpa.


“I am sorry,” Perez said.


At first, it seemed like Perez was voicing one more generalized regret for the 2016 election that put Donald Trump in the White House—the squandered opportunity that abruptly ended the Democrats’ hold on the presidency and immediately put at risk its policy gains of the previous eight years.

Perez, however, soon made clear that his apology was much more specific. “We lost elections not only in November 2016, but we lost elections in the run-up because we stopped organizing,” he said. “We stopped talking to people.

“We took too many people for granted,” Perez continued, “and African Americans—our most loyal constituency—we all too frequently took for granted. That is a shame on us, folks, and for that I apologize. And for that I say, it will never happen again!”

Anonymous ID: 453862 July 21, 2018, 7:47 p.m. No.2236628   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Trump's grand Veterans Day military parade will feature 5,000 to 7,000 service members


Between 5,000 to 7,000 service members are expected to march in President Donald Trump's military parade this fall.

Preliminary planning documents from the US Department of Defense indicate the service members will be joined by 100 vehicles, 50 aircraft and 100 horses for the parade on November 10, the eve of Veteran's Day.

There are already 50 DoD employees working on the parade plans, and that number is expected to double by September and hit an estimated 3,000 the week of the parade.


In March the Pentagon issued a planning memo about the parade which said it would 'include wheeled vehicles only, no tanks - consideration must be given to minimize damage to local infrastructure'.

It also promised to include 'a heavy air component at the end of the parade', meaning lots of airplane flyovers. Older aircraft will be included as available.

The parade was originally going to be held on Veteran's Day itself, but was pushed forward a day to coincide with the 100th anniversary of World War I.