I admire your QR Absolute State era kitchen ambivalence.
Please continue.
Parakeet, where do you think all the OG autists settled after the post-2020 election bigly exodus from here?
If you got to pick which one you'd rather have the banhammer at is it really that hard?
You might be expecting too much out of the modern day QR.
No board ever thrives when the main reason people came to it is no longer around.
Don't take it so seriously.
Very few refresh after they get here so the only ones that notice deletes are the posters themselves or anons replying and seeing greenlinks.
Watch how fast a bread empties out when the tru tru 751 gets hit.
They head to the bathroom/fridge or call it a day.
Just like how it went ded fast lb while still in the 600's.
SP, when the OSS admin was in charge the admins of today were bitching about shit non-stop, too.
Everything goes full circle in the ongoing saga of QR, the SSDD Years.
Many such cases of arbitrary and capricious, too.
Post dashboard cap please.
Fly is a relative term and at this stage in the timeline recency bias is very strong.
That said, the days leading up to and including Election Night were '18-'20 levels of flying.
Very rare.
Habbenings still fly but not fly fly like that.
Well, that was to be expected.
Q's take was to overpower them on the battlefield especially Twitter/X.
And if you search anything MAGA related on there it doesn't take long to run into Q drops/decodes/references.
So, imo, it's kinda been mission accomplished at this point.
The big issue remains even MAGA people are hesitant to latch on too strong until the BOOMs hit.
Can't say I blame tbh.
Fess up, which one of you used a trigger word that set off the vatty spergout?
Yes, Notables are basically newsbot copypasta.
However, many such modern day anons seem to like to use them like they used to Drudge Report.
And there must be some sus behind the scenes dealios with the precious aggs so good luck changing the status quo with that much headwind.
Eh, I'd have done it sooner or later so no biggie.
I first became aware of vatty during the Great Board War, since renamed to Board War I.
I kept noticing these posts that I thought were shitposts but they were legit attempts to give a qrd of the latest battles.
It was total 180 from reality shit like doc and OSS were bffs etc etc.
I was like dud am you high?
And he would start calling me the shill for saying otherwise.
He had to have been planted here by someone.
Carpal tunnel is no laughing matter, Anon.
I've seen't strong men brought to their knees in pain over it.
I'm crossing my fingers that I got out of IT just in time.
But, anyway, yeah the admins really should see a doctor soon.
kek OG Day Shift was fucking cruel did not suffer fools at all
You had to bring your A game.
And Fungus was BV who was kinda like the worst of all the BVs since added up.
Fucking banned whole VPN IP ranges nobody else would dare do that for fear of wiping out your entire autist army.
I was a big Omnishifter back then and the times I was on GY still there'd be anons admitting to not going on DS because it was kinda scary.
Not exactly in those words but heavily inferred for sure.
I dunno just laying down the sit rep.
Muh Notables are kinda like turf war battles where some anons like to rack up You caps the way Chads do notch counts.
All I know is if a Baker freewheels the format or accidentally puts something in the wrong columnโฆ
Poof! the aggfags suddenly appear screaming like PFs that get passed over by Baker and BO treats it like a 5-alarm fire and informs Baker to quit being a fuck up.
Totally normal.
Why bitch about the current POTUS when you should have moved to a country 4 years ago that had one you like?
Back in the 90's thru most of the 00's people were using the basic bitch mouse.
I lucked out in that I was mainframe for the longest time so I was tons of keyboard only.
Others that were PC from the very early days were the ones I met that had the issues.
Happy B-Day Anon!
You know, you don't have to post a chick around your won age.
You can post a younger one, but not too young don't go pervin.
As soon as Biden really did take the oath and all the hopefagging and latching on to every last minute stick save possibility evaporated.
I'm telling ya, many are on X/TS now.
All that Q activity there isn't all newfag.
Some over the years on either side of the various admins to come and go or no side at all feel the same about QR.
People bitch when they're invested; ridicule or ignore when they DGAF.
cuepee nobody cares
And Tranime gets shit on whenever he breaks out his early days Q-You.
That's just how it works.
Q just can't break out the stale af TC like business as usual.
Should the king of opsec ever return to a public platform in a legit way it will be via bigly proof or 2 or 3 with Q+.
Mathematically Unpossible to do otherwise.
Yeah haven't seen that meme series in ages either.
1) 4ch/pol - 2) 8ch/CBTS - 3) 8ch/TheStorm - 4) 8ch/QResearch - 5) 8kun/QResearch
Moved from 1 to 2 because glowies has the upper hand on him at halfchan.
Moved from 2 to 3 because BO Paul Furber was compd.
Moved from 3 to 4 because I forgot I blinked and we were on the mpove again already.
Moved from 4 to 5 because hotwheels stole the servers and the office furniture so Jim borrowed some from Pillow (who would later fuck us) and had CM write new chan code using hotwheel's old code.
Kinda fuzzy on the last one admittedly.
>We couldnโt access 4chan at all. And then months later we popped back up in 8chan
You must have trained at the Vatty 180 Degree QRD School.
The move off of 4ch was swift and fast.
Q said it was compd go find a new home faggots.
Paul Furber said I'll set up a board on that weirdo anime site.
So he did, anons followed, Q arrived.
He wanted anons that could make a movement spread.
/pol/ was pretty much his only choice.
Your feelz are your feelz.
Look at all the pranks and other assorted things that /pol/ made go viral.
No brainer Ground Zero for an internet based Great Awakening attempt.
Q went viral.
/pol/ was the best place to attempt to go viral.
Excellent short term choice.
cuepee, are you vatty's gf?
If not you 2 should hookup and write Alternative History novels.
Q can show up anywhere/anyplace/anytime/or not.
Nobody can stop them if that's still a future part of The Plan.
I did notice they made sure they got to skip The Precipice tho.
Should have been in the trenches with the rest of MAGA-Q tsk tsk.
Not as wide a gap back in late '17.
But, it had to be a moar sauce frenly platform.
Vidyas are impt, but so too are word based docs which the tiktoks and yts don't do too well at that.
Hmm, if legit then Bibi just backed PDJT into a corner.
Especially after taking a victory lap for brokering it today.
Interdasting next shoe to drop.
Once again, if true.
Never thought I'd say this but it would be an upgrade if you have babyfist write the next set.
His last used TC is trash now.
Q would never use one that stale.
If Real Q returns in some form down the line it will be with a new set of proofs.
So, I'm comfy, will be easy af to spot the fakers now - no moar 2022 style fuckery next time.
Q will handle it they know what to do.
Not their first rodeo.
All I know is it will be mathematically impossible to disprove per usual.
That's if it's part of The Plan for them to even return at all which isn't a given.
No, but there is a Q Truth Social account.
Says he's not THAT Q, but he has all the same frens THAT Q had.