Fact is they're off the cock, usually because they're opinionated intolerant Karens, and hysterics - and the unplowed field produces weeds and poisons.
RX See the Rammin' Shaman
Dr Anon PhD BFD
Fact is they're off the cock, usually because they're opinionated intolerant Karens, and hysterics - and the unplowed field produces weeds and poisons.
RX See the Rammin' Shaman
Dr Anon PhD BFD
Once we burn that pimple off your brainstem you can go straightback to shilling
4 days of arson or DEW roast fires.
Zero sirens.
Let's kick chefs off TV and get them back in the kitchen.
What punishment for pedovores who publicly rage quit thier own country, and then fail to deliver on promises to leave ?