Seems like only yesterday Newscum wanted PDJT to come to Cali for the whole Unity thing
So like Bill & Melinda Gates "she" gets to keep some pesos and properties in case of asset forfeiture due to treason and stuff?
>Why can't admin do the same?
Would allow the garbage to remain
Shills love to fill breads quickly, helps shove them all the way into the archives where things get forgotten
Why be in a hurry to go through a bread?
Breads take as long as they take
Again, shills fill bread, bread gets pushed into Previously Collected that is rarely looked at, then into the archive so things get forgotten
Anons are very astute, but what about thosecoming in for the first time? Do you prefer to have all the bullshit remain to confuse the issue?
No prob
Notables from Night Shift get into the usually ignored Previously Collected when the breads are flying. Day Shift may not see something from early in the night unless repeated during Graveyard, or even posted again in the morning
Your post appears to be the same tired shit of throwing shade on Admin that appears to me to be the DOARfags back with the butthurt from getting sloppy and losing QR
Bitch about breads taking too long, bitch about breads getting locked before 751, bitch about number of UIDs, bitch about "censorship", bitch about what's in notables, bitch about too many notables, bitch about whatever possible
Your DOARfaggotry is getting more obvious
When the OSS bunch was in charge any complaints usually got a permaban
>When are breads flying sans deletions?
Always depended on what current events were
I doubt you'd accept any data I would provide
The chaos is part of the charm
Can never be sure when a meme will come along that can generate teary-eyed laughter or one of those able to fry the mind of the most dedicated CNN fan
Think of the "soon" as being in Geologic Time and enjoy as things go on
Exactly why I accepted CALEXIT years ago, and encourage others to do the same
somebody is really good at writing grant proposals for such studies
Why bitch about this board when you can have your own?
I'm still waiting to hear why you are an ex baker
Thousands of Latinas came over the Border
They clean house, cook full meals, and for a Sponsorship will fuck like bunny rabbits
Bitches got replaced
Beyond doubt
I was born here
Got 3 DD-214s giving blood, sweat, and tears to the place
Might say I'm invested
>does someone here know who Q is?
No, and don't care to know
Q got things started and took off the training wheels years ago
I'm here with Anons
most bad ass moflickies I'll never meet, but never forget
And some come to QR to distract and disrupt
OSS invented the baker's union thing to turn anons against the "comms bakers" and the shit got ugly
>has secured the federal, state, and local resources
There was stuff about 100 of LA fire trucks out of action for maintenance issues (mechanics laid-off for budget cuts)
There was stuff about two nights ago that fire trucks coming from Oregon getting held up for emissions checks
There was stuff about trucks coming in to help but stuck for lack of fuel
Cool story bro
That the best you can do?
I find you to be the ultimate non-binary, right between cockwomble and twatwaffle
I feel your pain
Meh, sauce is jpost
Saw those, not buying it
Not buying tripcodes are down
not buying Q's tripcode is blocked
not buyng it
Another cool story bro
How many msm teleprompter readers gave Biden the credit for the ceasefire?
They have to say, oopsie, they shootin again
I didn't get a handbook all those years ago, was there a briefing I missed?
>the 4-6% are us
That's kinda cool in a way
4-6% that see through the bullshit, are not influenced by "celebrities", and not able to be controlled
So renewals as in "we will once again accept your premiums" but "claims will be rejected as your policy was not in effect at the time of the dwellings destruction"
I just knew you had imaginary friends