The fact that you isn’t know how to be an anon, is fucking hilarious.
The original trip codes would be verified by a posting the same thing as Trump before Trump posted it on Twitter.
Q posted what Trump posted on Twitter before Trump posted it and the timestamps would be very close
Yeah handbook is called filtered.
Yeah I don’t listen to shills.
Are you Andrew or Tristan tate? DOAR is a Romanian word. The tates are in Romania.
No trumps potus account. Then when he lost that he only had a truth account so the timestamps are used from truth social now. I don’t look up every post numbers tho, just when timing calls for me to look.
Maybe you should go find someone with an IQ of 75 so you can actually win an argument. You’ll never win against me.
The fact that I have Q screenshots from 2017 clearly contradicts your bot gaslighting.
I’ve already won faggot. Why don’t you go tell my friends at the pentagon and naval special warfare..?