When is Kash expected to appear before Congress? What do other Anons speculate he might say in response to "Qanon"? Will he dare to explain any difference between what a "Q" posted online vs. what MSM said a "Qanon" posted online?
mah feelz tell me that 'our side' (for truth and honesty) are in some kind of snare where we can't offer up suggestions and clarifications until They demand it. They keep saying "Qanon" and never hint at knowing any difference between what a "Q" wrote vs. what MSM says "Qanon" wrote. I think They know exactly what They are doing with that little Word Game.
But if They never say "Q", and we can't say it first unless They 'ask the question' (which it seems They know to avoid at all cost)โฆ what do?
How then can Kash navigate the interview by (corrupt) Congress?
>It appears it's worse than Q told us
i thought things were bad when i figured out how rotten the DOD and Big Corp was in 1995
i thought it was really bad in 2005 when i figured out how bad MSM was lying about 9/11
i thought it was really bad in 2020 when "Democracy" was shown to be a complete farce
Now pedosickfucks in Global Gov run the world and hold massive sway over the public conversationโฆ.
What's next?????????
always a good time to pray
sometimes even more than other times
make sense
Congressional Hearings be like?
One of the MANY other follow-on benefits the Deep State enjoyed from its perpetration of 9/11โฆ has been the death of affordable mobility for an ever increasing percentage of the general population. Along with economic destruction, 9/11 has been GREAT for the shitbags infecting 'Government'
i don't think i would be strong enough to endure Their FAKE 'interrogations'.
Gov was a participant or perpetrator of killing JFK
Gulf of Tonkin was a classic false flag
Gov destroyed the Dollar with the FED and denying the Constitutional gold/silver bond
DoE destroyed the minds of children
9/11 was an inside job
Dick Cheney was/is a war-blood profiteer
Obama wasn't eligible to be President
Covid-19 was a Pandemic of Lies
2020 was stolen from Trump
Biden is lifelong scum
id stand and throw a chair at those shitbag sedition and treason motherfuckers.
They are unable to talk honestly about ANYTHING. "Democracy" is Their biggest FRAUD.