Unfilled bred cause "that's the way we do it"…faggots glow harder….
Who's yer daddy vati?
Who smacks that faggot ass?
kek….do you remember "click"..I fuckin wrote it…
Fuck off Fame fag!
Fuck off Fame fag!
Fuck Off Fame Fag!!!!
Stupid faggot …filtered long ago..prolly still sperging autobarf….
Rent free…you live in fear…I don't……
I have clean running springs…do you? All I have to do is walk a bit, and I have water forever….do you?
You stupid city fux think gew have it made…my dinner comes to me..I just have to harvest it…….You will starve without us…we don't need you.
Fuck off gook!
You dumbfuck globalist euro retards don't even fucking know what edc means,,,,
Who's yer daddy vati?
Who spanks that ass?
Being a famefag is my greatest dream…
Famefag Lives Matter!
Ya'll are a funny kind of stupid…like ya'll just don't get that you dumb fucks lost………
You smell juice.