Anonymous ID: 7db147 July 21, 2018, 8:24 p.m. No.2236962   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6972 >>7152 >>7177





So we have a tag team of shills/C_A niggers here on the board and they seem to be shit posting an awful lot when the subject of R comes up.


You know, it never, EVER, ceases to amaze me how you fucks give yourselves away whenever TRUTH hits either this board or places like, ummmm, (under his unhackanble IP for example? ;)


You give yourselves away by the velocity and volume of your attacks. And even when this is pointed out to you idiots you STILL can't help yourselves in doing this crap every time truth hits the internet'.


What is with you numbskulls??? Got some sort of TRUTH DERANGEMENT SYNDROME?


If you really cannot stop yourselves from attacking anyone who posts a truth drop, who is in control of you??? Ever wondered?


His name starts with an X.


What a bunch of fucking wankers and losers you all are.

Anonymous ID: 7db147 July 21, 2018, 8:45 p.m. No.2237128   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7169





Another shill has outed him/herself. This one is using intellectual reasoning to say that I am a shill.


Anyone who takes the time to look into the R posts will be rewarded by some great insights into what is going on in the world.


One thing to do, is ignore those that say 'don't look into this' or 'ignore that because he is shill posting'.


Think for yourselves anons.