Anonymous ID: 833853 July 21, 2018, 8:36 p.m. No.2237058   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7095 >>7109

Many normies, and even some anons are feeling anxious about the pace of the Great Awakening. I am not. Their anxiety of course is coming from the looming midterms, and the possibility that the Dems could gain seats will impeach.


Personally, I truly think the feces Q told us about is about to hit the fan. I can feel it in my bones…but even without booms, videos, smoking guns, FISA warrants, big revelations and perp walks, POTUS is in great shape for November.


There are 5 big factors in play:


  1. Trump is winning, and winning big. Economy, NK, regulations rollbacks, SCOTUS, tax relief, and it keeps getting better.

  2. Trump Rallies. Any vulnerable R seat will benefit from Trump’s support, and he loves rallies. The Dems have Bernie and the commie chick from NY. The bully pulpit is strong with this one.

  3. Trump has completely de-nutted the media. Example: despite non-stop screeching about Russia, and most recently the “Treason Summit”, the public doesn’t give a rat’s ass about Russia. (sauce:

  4. Democratic Socialists - while the term Socialist is palatable, and even fashionable to millenneals, there are still millions of Americans who are extremely turned off by even the mention of the S word. The more Bernie and ugly commie chick get their faces out there, the better for the Republicans. Someone very smart once said “These people are really stupid.”

  5. The leftist vitriol. Trump Derangement Syndrome is on display daily, and regular people are generally repulsed by it. Mad Max is garnering headlines, and while the hard left base loves here, the majority see her as stupid and unhinged. The #walkaway movement is real, and the 24/7 hate spewing is literally pushing moderate Democrats into Trump’s arms. Added bonus, the greater the vitriol, violence and threats of violence against Trump voters, the less likely Trump voters are to admit support to a stranger on the phone. It’s a dangerous world out there, and they left is unhinged. All this leads to the polls way underestimating Trump support. The Blue Wave isn’t even being discussed lately, and factor in the stealth Trump voters, it’s going to be a wipeout.


Point being, I want to see things unfold quickly simply because I want kids protected and the evil doers to face justice. I hate those fuckers, and every day they are allowed to walk free is one too many. But in purely political terms, we actually do have time to let the Plan unfold as fast or as slowly as POTUS and Q Team need it to.. We don’t need to worry about November. Not one iota.