Anonymous ID: cd1d6b July 21, 2018, 8:31 p.m. No.2237006   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7017 >>7019 >>7084 >>7085 >>7098 >>7121 >>7134 >>7185 >>7451 >>7486


Q and Potus has weaponized the autists on 8chan. How easy it now for a "Shill" to take advantage of our digging skills, to dig dirt up on someone that they have a vendetta on.


Before you call me a faggot, ya faggots….remember, we are not autists for hire. We serve a higher purpose. IF…the requests to dig on people and organizations fall within our mandate, then sure, I would entertain shinig light on the pedo freaks and abominations that occure in our presently accepted culture. Otherwise, the recent "drops" from Hwoodanon & BLanon could be tactical from the left.


Keep that in mind anons…. We are here to open the ficking can wide open till it stares the left and cabal in their faces. If it's legit, then there may be good to do. If its a distraction, you just got burnt…..

Anonymous ID: cd1d6b July 21, 2018, 8:43 p.m. No.2237104   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7215


GOOD….let them. Q brought us here from /pol/ …half of us disfunctional, socially awkward autists came, the rest we picked up along the way. We've actually been given direction whether you accept it or fail to realize it.. now go drink some bleach like we used to back in the day…..just fucking kidding….drink peroxide, its better for you…KEK