What ever happened to the fertilizer stolen from the train, if I'm remembering correctly?
Can you elaborate to why it's a fraud?
Couldn't it be that he's priming the right for a black swan event, to get us ready? The left isn't a fan of Trump, but after Biden, they may hate Israel more, and if Biden's stay is extended, so does Israel's killing spree. They may welcome a PDJT.
Israel probably never intended to stop anyway, already planning on PDJT never taking office. We hear and see all, and probably already understood this.
I'm not sure what this is supposed to explain. Is Space Force not a creation by Trump? Or are we just so far infiltrated it's already been corrupted?
I'm not versed in any of the boards thoughts about it. I know it's a pain to go over it with tards like me, I just thought I'd ask.
Wow, Ive lost the narrative a long time ago, thanks for pointing me in the right direction.