Gentlemen, you ARE going to keep Trump and company to task once hes in office, r-r-r-right?
Frankly, I'm positive on most of his staff picks which seem good. I have no doubt the economy will improve, tariffs enacted, taxes lowered and abolished, foreign relations improved and world conflict reduced.
Objectives I'd like to see done if the political will is there:
Lobbying completely outlawed (by Constitutional amendment if necessary)
IRS completely dismantled and replaced with nothing
States offering gold and silver coin as a competing currency, acceptable by choice at retailers.
Term limits, 12 years for both Senator and Congressperson (15 years for a Senator if appointed by someone to replace an outgoing Senator or death of a Senator)
H-1B visas completed revamped with protections for American workers (ie have to pay 30% over median citizen salary to hire an h-1B, strict non green card pathway)