So, let me get this straight… the Media and a lot of Republicans said the Secret Service and FBI were incompetent, not qualified, and made mistakes.
But President Trump is tapping one of those, from that very “day,” as Director. 🤭
Of ALL the qualified men and women in Law Enforcement, the guy who just so happens to be front and center, where those Flags just so happened to be positioned in the perfect spot and an upward angle for this?
Not a publicity stunt like the left accused.
Special Operations.
All outlined in the 2016 Unconventional Warfare Guide.
This guide outlines Title 50 and mentions Executive Order 12333.
Executive Order 12333 addresses ASSASSINATIONS.
What are the odds that in the same, first 180-days, in the Title 50 Chapter 33 Section §1550 clause…
The Executive Order immediately after the Executive Order that Federalized the Reserve Components to Active-Duty and the 4 Codes from Title 14 that transferred the Coast Guard from Homeland Security to the Department of Defense, EO 13912, still active…
He signs EO 13913, that references EO 12333. 🤭
And what are the odds that President Trump has a case filed with the United States Supreme Court, Donald J. Trump vs. the United States, that’s about Assassinations. 🤭
April 4, 2020 July 13, 2024.
March 19, 2024 July 13, 2024.
> = Before.
Strategic Plan.
Trap the swamp.
Expose the swamp.
Drain the swamp.
They didn’t drain it for themselves.
They drained it for you.
Hence why they needed everyone’s attention.
The Greatest Show on Earth.
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👉🏻 45——47 🫡🐂🇺🇸