A Jewish nigger who plays both race cards
What could go wrong?
You get free room and board, three hot meals a day and the option to vote Democrat every 4 years. Oh you can also set people on fire and get no jail time.
Copy pasta famefag shill lover who only shows up to manufacture acceptance for famefag roll call shill with a single post copy pasta and only arrives after the copy pasta famefag shill then contributes nothing else.
You can tell when the psyop famefag glowniggers are mad. They bust out the graphics of Anon posts for calling out their shillery. Now try putting their morning copy pasta roll call message in qresear.ch and see how many hits you get. A lot moar than the Anons who call out their famefag copy pasta roll call
Its moar likely you wake up and realize Trump and q are on the same side as Soros and the Rothschilds
Just because you've been doing your OCD little morning namefag famefag ritual from the early days, doesn't mean you're not a glownigger shill
I'm Anon and super comfy. Didn't see me bust out the graphic of all my replies, now did you? The little namefag famefag roll call shills are the maddies