Thanks countdown fag!
These people are evil! This was part of their plan. Use our country as their gang's piggy bank just like CA and that gang but on a bigger scale. They're all from the same inbred family.
Noice! stolt!
The people of CA in the fires are brainwashed. Just watch, they'll voe those same grifters in again. I'm sorry they lost their homes but I find I have no pity for them nor will I donate a dime to them.
You're gonna haf to point to what you're talking on about. We can't read your mind!
Anons were never promised we would see what habbenns to them..just that they would leave the public eye.
major strong
Why would that label be upside down on the bottle?
I thought that was a person's head in the reflection of the cabinet door taking the picture but on closer inspection..that a camera on a tripod. They took that picture themselves.
who dat?
but it's wine so it doesn't apply.
They want their land
10% for The Big Guy