Kek, they can't censor TikTok, like they do with FB, Insta, etc., so they try to ban it. They fear the truth getting out.
I'm a critical thinker. Why else would they want to ban it? The 'antisemitism' gambit is old.
Money laundering?
Looks like the Eisenhower Executive Building.
15MP+ cameras on modern phones, yet this shit still gets photographed with a potato.
Money laundering and fraud. Who'd have thunk itโฆ
First indictment [unseal] will trigger mass pop awakening.
First arrest will verify action and confirm future direction.
If I were Iran, I'd send them back and claim a refund, based on their performance against Ukraine.
Fuck off. Then fuck off some more.
Yeah, you are proof that you can't be inoculated against stupid.
Who let all of the self-important megalomanics in here?