Insurance companies are not in the Humanitarian Business, they are in the Money Making Business. Why is anyone surprised when their insurance company screws them over?
Fuck the Jews.
And fuck their sobs of "Antisemitism."
People are antisemitic towards them because they are a bunch of lying crybabies.
see, you just proved it
lying fucking crybaby, "I'm gonna filter anyone who criticizes me."
Fucking crybaby.
Health Insurance is great until you get sick.
Auto Insurance is great until you get in an accident.
Home Owners Insurance is great until a catastrophe happens.
Insurance Companies are like the Government: They are great at taking people's money but not so good at doing anything for the people from whom the money is taken.
Should have used a styrofoam head.
Judaism did not exist until Jacob was renamed Israel and he had a son named Judah.
So what about all of the history prior to Jacob?
Jews had nothing to do with that history.
Adam wasn't a Jew.
Seth wasn't a Jew.
Noah wasn't a Jew.
Even Abrahaham wasn't a Jew.
And people who call themselves Jews nowadays refuse to get onto the Jesus Boat so they are no longer God's Chosen People, they have become Satan's Chosen People.