It's a reference from Blue Velvet. Anons, hear me out:
People like Gunn live in subcultures that celebrate this bizarre stuff and live in Fantasyland where much of these things are referencing other art. This DOES. NOT. MEAN. They or those at the party actual participate in these activities they joke about which sound awful and horrifying. I lived around enough eccentrics to know that this type of stuff is appreciated and laughed about. This is another part of the world that liberals are more at home because there are less restrictions on behavior. It comes down to where you draw the line at actions and not horrible jokes.
I am beginning to wonder if these celeb focuses are planted to make anons look like the overzealous right the left makes us out to be. There is already backlash regarding Gunn and that may have been the reason for firing him abruptly: to make us look like rabid witch hunters.
Something feels off about this.