Fisa warrant is big deal? Big fucking deal….. also Chronicles of Amber… Learn to think, learn to question. you are watching a movie… they always put on an act. ALWAYS. part of the game. Stop analyzing what your are seeing,… start asking, What am I not seeing. Analyze that shit. Truth is behind you. Salience. You have all analyzed Q words admirably…. What haven't you analyzed? read Between the lines…Supernotes, just a hint…Wiki, U1…. Why was stage set like it was? Extortion 17…. Benghazi, WHY? These people are A) fucking stupid, B) Fucking Psychopathic, or C decent I suppose…..893, don't look too much into, no connection, just useful for message. White house youtube…. This goes farther back than you know. watch all of the caucus… Any chess player knows, Opening game, so "boring" no one watches, midgame, so boring no one thinks anything is done… stage being set ("why didn't you take that queen?!" "Why cut off the lever before you pull it?") End game…. So much of a blur, we will be analyzing far after game is over. Early game… Chris Kyle, Extortion 17, etc…Midgame, re: Qpub, endgame, stage set, Don't blink. My boys are fucking good at what they do. theres a reason clowns always recruited them after their tenure…. to bad they never followed the same creed. Not a teammate, but would still die for the teams… WWG1WGA. Thank you for your service.
For obvious reasons Q can't tell what to look at…. just point us in the general direction of the hideous tree cancer we gloss over… forest for the trees? if current deets go nowhere, zoom out scan, and refocus. I don't know what Qs pointing to us,…. but I know we glossed over it… in absence of Q. Reval Qpub if you must do something.
look there, or [here], misdirection is necessary… why? stop staring at the sun, and lookback at what the sun is illuminating. bigger than you could possibly imagine.