Tonight's ImperatorRex twatter thread was interesting.
Any anons able to consolidate and post here?
Tonight's ImperatorRex twatter thread was interesting.
Any anons able to consolidate and post here?
>>2237717 Ukraine Furious After Italy's Salvini Calls 2014 Revolution "Fake" And "Foreign-Funded"
Italian leader is based
Here's his final 3 twats:
The strategy was to use the FBI as an investigatory arm (via orders being given to McCabe via Strzok). Strzok was a clear player and more than willing to cut corners, for those who he perceived would advance him.
Right now? Mueller is a WEAK, but DESPERATE man.
10:01 PM - 21 Jul 2018
This SC is nothing more than a criminal conspiracy, set up by Clinton/Mueller operatives, using corrupt DOJ/FBI agents. to take down Trump.
Expose them and shut it down ASAP.
Throw the book at all of them. I hope this thread helps in the effort.
10:02 PM - 21 Jul 2018
You can help. RT this, for example, far and wide. Contact your local member of Congress.
Get angry. And above all, VOTE.
The Republic depends on it.
The end.
Holy shit!
Pretty sure they didn't involve med students in this fuckery.
Tents By Omar = Latest fashion