Thanks anon. It's spoopy lately.
>uncovered amazing connections
Like fucking hell they have. "JFK Jr's first plane registration number correlates to JFK's birthday" "Copy/paste information about the federal reserve" and tripe like that is fucking bullshit
And the fact that it's even compared to Q is a fucking travesty. Get your fucking LARP shit off this fucking board, you make a mockery of Q proofs and sourced research.
Big Q names on twitter have been pushing R since Q went silent. Is this the reason he hasn't posted? R = Q videos on YT getting 70k views. SUBVERSION. Can we bring the movement to the stage when MSM can obfuscate with 8chan originating LARPS? To a normie, the Qresearch and Rresearch threads look no different.
Rtards keep bragging that their thread is so much comfier than research general. Imagine this scenario. Newfag A discovers Q. Newfag A decides to listen to patriotsoapbox and gets led to /qresearch/ . Newfag A looks at Qresearch General. Newfag A sees nothing but porn and shilling. Newfag A, having no idea what a LARP is, decides to check out the Rresearch thread instead. Newfag A feels super comfy and decides to research/follow R. Wouldn't it be nice for them if boomers and newfags chose to do their research under the Rflag?. Wouldn't it be nice for (((them))) to reduce the number of Qresearchers and instead turn them into Rresearchers. Ranon would grow as a movement. They want you DIVIDED.
Realize that the same people who created the R following are the ones who are shitting up research general.
/pol/ dug on him after he got into an argument with Ben Shapiro
Think it was the links to TROMA and Kaufman and that other guy he tagged the vid too that really did it. The Disney firing says it all, they know more about him than we do.
Q, is Ranon a clown operation or just a LARP?
Fucking kek
Be prepared to have many movies you love ruined before this is over
Search the word "roasted" on and look at previous posts. Think about who "roasted" could be referring to.
Twitter is controlled. Don't trust anyone who got big on this movement