…Beep boop beep boop same shitZZZZT.
…Your symbolism 'decodes' are shit, VD. Always have been.
…Goddamn pussy, resorting to being a copypasta commando IP hop, hur hur sneaky Squeaky. Dumbass.
…Big fuckin' deal. So, you're easily amused.
…Might as well up the dose and go all out on your faggoty 'personas'. Accelerate that brain rot, of yours.
…Nice fake Night Shift.
…You continue to make shit up; Visual 'word salad'.
…Remember to despairfag more. /s
…Brain fry and AI night.
…You and despairfag MUST share the same cubicle/gloryhole.
>ba57a2 VD
>22377691 VD
…Yeah. Why wouldn't anon be, fuckstick?