So DACA kids lost the appeal. Going to the SC now? Trump has their balls in a vice for an immigration deal ASAP.
So DACA kids lost the appeal. Going to the SC now? Trump has their balls in a vice for an immigration deal ASAP.
>so when are we going to ban meta
never. we've taken control away from the derps. we've built out massive server farms. will soon be transitioning to decentralized data model for the internet. meta's income will move away from ads to data storage and AI processing. For as bad as the FANNG stocks were, it would not be wise to destroy them. It would leave a power vaccum and expose the US to worse forces. Better to take over the ship and redirect it. Tradeoffs are a bitch, but civilization is more important. SnS.
Her shirt looks like epstein's pedohut
>We gotta take more loans. Bidens new pool house aint building itself.
took a 100% car loan over 72 months last week. I could afford it, but invested it in btc instead. USD will inflate, BTC will moon, and in a couple years, that car loan will be 10% of the original price in terms of purchasing power parity and I'll still have it paid off plenty early and have enough to get another car and pay off all my student loan debt.
bottom line. sure, avoid debt… but if you have collateral, you can play their games against them while still letting them think they've got you by the balls. they're fucked. and I think they know it.
Tom Homan: "There is going to be a big raid all across the country."
RAID (in mental health), Reinforce Appropriate, Implode Disruptive, is a positive psychology least restrictive practice approach for working with people who exhibit challenging behavior
Risks, Assumptions, Issues and Dependencies, a project management technique called "RAID log"
Real-Time Adversarial Intelligence & Decision-making "RAID", a DARPA project to perform predictive analysis of enemy behavior
RAID (Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks), a data storage technology providing redundancy
>FANG stocks are all subsidized by taxpayers
>You really think FB is worth 4 billion? And Facebook was a failure. Server farms are giant power hogs
>Besides, when public finds out all the “green money” is missing stonks will return to correct price
don't strawman what I said, fuckface. i never said any of that shit. put your anger against facebook aside. millions of people's savings and retirements, good innocent people, are tied to these massive tech companies. if you destroy them, without something to replace them, you'll cause massively more damage than you can even comprehend.
server farms are power hogs…so what? you still worried about the climate? gtfo.
I'm well beyond you. Boomer, just buy more gold. You'll be fine. There's a better plan in the works. Probably more sophisticated than you can handle. Stack your bullion.
Read my first post again…
We're getting an entirely new internet. Catch up. Where we're going, you don't need websites…