The worst are the people that some how got in these institutions of police, fbi, cia, military, medical and or more so they can help gang stalkers do this kinda thing. They may take money for what they can do organizing mostly on sites like reddit and other social networks often forming fan pages and groups to do things and hiding who they are. This what it is with things and so on…
This is partly what was done and a global push to be like ok you want to find criminals so badly so on then this will solve the issue. They where given I think one term so on… this is where what you found out is they exploited the system their self… not really focusing on major crimes or anything like this. Seems like it also helped the mil and police address real crime faster causing now what they are saying is “climate change” yet the very system they wanted is the major contributor to figuring it all out. So then now they want to let everyone go and be like we only where supposed to target the people they wanted though gang stalking networks. Now that so much is going on they are in shock. This where they again want to use any of this they can for self profiting and promotion of some type.
How do you think they feel when they understand they are the major reason for a lot of people maybe going to jail. What happens if the worst people found out what they where doing and who was in charge od the system and is demanding money from things for themselves.